A personal nightmare game
A personal nightmare game


I just love the look on the vampire's face in this one. So really, you have no one to blame but yourself for not using it to impale the hellhound. In breaking from its earlier tradition of forcing you to fish around your pockets for the right item, the game gives you the item you need to kill the dog, a stake you yank out of a broken fence, in the preceding scene. When you see a dog in an adventure game, it's either a loyal companion or a bloodthirsty killer.

a personal nightmare game

At that point, your only recourse is to drop them on the ground and hope it's not something you needed a second time later on.Īt least there were some amusing death scenes: You can pick up most things, and many of them are junk, to say nothing of items that you'll use once and then never have a use for again. And boy are there useless items in this game.


You could free up some space by putting items in your suit (not sure where you're holding them prior to doing that), but then you have to move them back out into your main inventory to use them. You could carry ten items in addition to the clothes on your back, and you need way more than that to finish the game. Personal Nightmare had this problem in part because it had just a smattering of text-based interaction to throw you off when all you want to do is nab some Satanists and not get killed by monsters. would be way simpler.Īnd here's the thing about adventure games from back in the day: they could be a little obtuse, particularly the text-based games. In practice, they really don't need to be compass directions, as simple forward, backward, left, right, etc. Your view is constantly shifting as you move from one place to another, while the compass directions stay fixed. The problem is that you never know which direction you're facing. You move from one scene to another by traveling in one of eight compass directions, depending on what exits are available. Right off the bat, you'll notice that your second greatest enemy, after the Prince of Darkness, is the navigation system. So stop staring at said cleavage and let's talk about the rest of the game: Horror Soft did make two Elvira-centered adventure games right after Personal Nightmare, but her pixilated cleavage has no further involvement in this title.

a personal nightmare game

Is Elvira in this game? Was she a producer? Was she involved in Personal Nightmare at all? The answer to all of these questions is, " no". Aside #2 is about the logo for the game's developer, Horror Soft, which comes up right after that great intro:

a personal nightmare game

That's aside #1, where I complain about how the game gives you no real direction, apart from "go look for a walkthrough online".

a personal nightmare game


Again, though, not all that helpful, but thankfully, elsewhere in the manual you are instructed that to beat the game you must expose some devil-friendly folks and present evidence of your findings to a cop who spends every day milling around the street. After some time spent scouring the internet for information on who I was and what I was supposed to be doing, I learned that I was some British chap who received a worrisome letter from his mom (I mean, mum) asking him to come home because his vicar father had begun acting strangely and obsessing over the story of a vicar from ages past who was killed in order to banish the devil. As a result, I wandered around town poking at things until I was told that the devil had taken over. That's all you get if you play Personal Nightmare without consulting the documentation. Thank goodness your father paid for a nice 3-night stay at the local in for you prior to transforming into the personification of evil. Naturally, it falls on you to get things sorted out. Like some sort of diabolical Shazam, your pastor father is struck by lightning and transforms into the devil. Thank goodness they were able to condense the key points into the opening cinematic: Released on the Amiga in 1989, Personal Nightmare doesn't give you a whole lot to go on as far as backstory. How about being forced to uncover a satanic conspiracy in a small English town? That sounds pretty nightmarish, eh?Īt least I think that's the story here. What's your personal nightmare? Trapped in a pit filled with scorpions? Taking your final exams in your underwear? Forgetting to clear your browser history the one time you let your mom use your computer?

A personal nightmare game